
Friday Oct 18, 2024
Whirlwinds & Prophelies
Friday Oct 18, 2024
Friday Oct 18, 2024
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about a dream I had concerning a coming whirlwind, which if not understood that certain prophecies are not lies and divination, it will bring about confusion, destruction and panic in that day. What are the dangers for those who prophecy lies to God’s people and why does the Lord take these so seriously that He punishes those who not only preach them, but also those who have ‘itching ear’ syndrome so as to believe them? I hope to cover and give warning through this dream vision given to me on 10/16/2024 and speak to this very subject. This episode will also be published to YouTube as that seems to be inclusive, but not limited to, where much of this is taking place in this late hour. It is my prayer that many who have been caught up in divining ‘prophelies’ and false doctrine begin to listen and heed the warnings. https://www.innocenceredeemed.blog/2024/10/18/new-podcast-a-whirlwind-of-prophelies/

Friday Oct 11, 2024
When They Ask What Happened Pt 3 (Jeremiah 28-52)
Friday Oct 11, 2024
Friday Oct 11, 2024
Important verses I believe need to be reviewed and heard right now. This is a continued reading from the book of Jeremiah, chapters 28-52. This is so when certain events begin happening the people know it is because it was their sin that caused it and that these were ordained by God. This is not me speaking -these verses are stitched together from multiple tracks off a bible CD. I'm allowing these verses to speak for themselves. The reason for these being posted is because it would seem many have lost their way. This will be the last upload for this series.

Thursday Oct 10, 2024
When They Ask What Happened Pt 2 (Jeremiah 11-27)
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Thursday Oct 10, 2024
Important verses I believe need to be reviewed and heard right now. This is a continued reading from the book of Jeremiah, chapters 11-27. This is so when certain events begin happening the people know it is because it was their sin that caused it and that these were ordained by God. This is not me speaking -these verses are stitched together from multiple tracks off a bible CD. I'm allowing these verses to speak for themselves. The reason for these being posted is because it would seem many have lost their way. A refresh is needed. We need to come away from the world and understand what God wants from us. Cover art demonstrates the absurdity that is the pre-trib rapture. The bride will be refined for the very reason layed out in this series from Jeremiah.

Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
When They Ask What Happened Pt 1 (Jeremiah 1-10)
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Important verses I believe need to be reviewed and heard right now. This is a reading from the first ten chapters of the book of Jeremiah. This is so when certain events begin happening the people know it is because it was their sin that caused it and that these were ordained by God. This is not me speaking -these verses are stitched together from multiple tracks off a bible CD. I'm allowing these verses to speak for themselves. The reason for these being posted is because it would seem many have lost their way. A refresh is needed. We need to come away from the world and understand what God wants from us.

Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Florida's (and America's) Judgment Wake Up Call
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
Tuesday Oct 08, 2024
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be speaking about why the disasters we have seen recently are happening and what God is showing America through these. What is the Lord doing by allowing these no matter how much people pray? Indeed many know that something has changed and in fact, the changing of the seasons has come rather abruptly. Florida (and America as a whole) are being called to repentance. Are we hearing, seeing and getting the message or are we going to continue walking in rebellion as these instances begin to increase?

Monday Sep 30, 2024
20 Minutes with the Lord: The Book of Ephesians
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Monday Sep 30, 2024
Important verses I believe need to be reviewed and heard right now. This is a reading of the Book of Ephesians. This is not me speaking -these verses are stitched together from multiple tracks off a bible CD. I'm allowing these verses to speak for themselves. The reason for these being posted is because it would seem many have lost their way and forgotten basic Biblical principles. A refresh is needed. We need to come away from the world and understand what God wants from us.

Sunday Sep 29, 2024
30 Minutes With The Lord: The Book of Ecclesiastes
Sunday Sep 29, 2024
Sunday Sep 29, 2024
Important verses I believe need to be reviewed and heard right now. This is a reading of the Book of Ecclesiastes. This is not me speaking -these verses are stitched together from multiple tracks off a bible CD. I'm allowing these verses to speak for themselves. The reason for these being posted is because it would seem many have lost their way and forgotten basic Biblical principles. I'm doing this series because a refresh is needed. We need to come away from the world and understand what God wants from us and what He wants to show us.

Saturday Sep 28, 2024
25 Minutes with the Lord: The Book of Galatians
Saturday Sep 28, 2024
Saturday Sep 28, 2024
Important verses I believe need to be reviewed and heard right now. This is a reading of all of the Book of Galatians. This is not me speaking -these verses are stitched together from multiple tracks off a bible CD. I'm allowing these verses to speak for themselves. The reason for these being posted is because it would seem many have lost their way and forgotten basic Biblical principles. A refresh is needed. We need to come away from the world and understand what God wants from us.

Friday Sep 27, 2024
Stripping Off The Weights (Longform Version)
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
*Please note* -This is the long-form version of both parts 1 and 2 edited together with the interlude in between. Some have said they prefer listening to certain messages in the longform so as to not forget the first half and so that is what this is. Other than that it is the same content as presented when divided. This version is also in mono and slightly at a lower bitrate to compensate for the length for those on mobile devices so the file wasn't too large. Please note that a separate email will not be going out to announce this version and on the blog it will be found posted on the part two entry of the blog for this series.
In the first half; I will be talking about a dream I had and what the Lord showed me concerning stripping off the weights and running the race. I will be talking about walking through many attacks, tests and trials on the path to righteousness and sanctification. I will be presenting examples of how we overcome and even in seasons where it may seem God is silent, how we ought to react and what the Lord is expecting of us. In these seasons what is the Lord doing with our faith walk? What areas is He refining and why? Why does He allow us to go through such strenuous situations? How can and does God take a situation that seems next to near impossible and turn it around for His Glory?
In the second half; I will be speaking to the growing apathy and division. I will be bringing about conviction as to what it means to truly abide in the Lord, foundations and being found in Him when the storm arrives. I will also be speaking to a recent experience I had with the Lord as well as a brief Word He gave me in this experience. I will be speaking to what abiding is and that it's more than just saying we do. I will be speaking to the importance of praise and giving thanks. Additionally, I will be speaking to a dream I was shown about many being unprepared in the times to come, the ‘coming flood’ and the dangers of this and relating it back to what I have talked about, not only in the first half but also how it relates to many being more concerned with worldly matters than remaining in the Lord. Is our faith genuine or do we just say it is and behave otherwise? What does our behavior demonstrate? It is these questions and others I will be shining the light on in the second half of ‘Stripping Off The Weights.’

Friday Sep 27, 2024
Stripping Off The Weights Pt. 2: Abiding & Obedience vs. Rebellion
Friday Sep 27, 2024
Friday Sep 27, 2024
On this follow-up episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be continuing the series ‘Strip off the Weights.’ In the second part I will be contrasting between the Godly and Ungodly, the backslidden and the unbelieving. I will be speaking to the growing apathy and division. I will be bringing about conviction as to what it means to truly abide in the Lord, foundations and being found in Him when the storm arrives. I will also be speaking to a recent experience I had with the Lord as well as a brief Word He gave me in this experience. I will be speaking to what abiding is and that it's more than just saying one thing but doing another. I will be speaking to the importance of praise and giving thanks. Additionally, I will be speaking to a dream I was shown about many being unprepared in the times to come, the ‘coming flood’ and the dangers of apathy and apostacy while relating it back to what I have talked about, not only in the first half but also how it relates to many being more concerned with worldly matters building a relationship with and remaining in the Lord. Is our faith genuine or do we just say it is and behave otherwise? What does our behavior demonstrate? It is these questions and others I will be shining the light on in the second half of ‘Stripping Off The Weights.’