
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Who Is Jesus? Part One: The Book of John
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
This is a reading of all of the book of John. This is not me speaking -these verses are stitched together from multiple tracks off a bible CD. I'm beginning a series of these as a refresher as I really believe they are needed right now. The reason for these being posted is because it would seem many have lost their way and forgotten their savior, forgotten many basic Biblical principles and a refresh is needed BADLY. We need to come away from the world and understand what God wants from us and get back to re-establishing a true relationship with Him. https://www.innocenceredeemed.blog/blog/

Thursday Sep 19, 2024
A Playing of the Book of Amos
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Thursday Sep 19, 2024
Important verses I believe need to be reviewed and heard right now. This is not me speaking -these verses are stitched together from multiple tracks off a bible CD. I'm allowing these verses to speak for themselves.

Sunday Jun 30, 2024
The Leviathan Spirit
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the spirit of Leviathan. What is it? Where does it come from? What are the characteristics of leviathan spirit? What damage does it cause in your life? How does it get on you? How does it inhibit you from having complete freedom in Christ and obtaining His Blessings and will for your life? How do you break free from this spirit and find healing whether it has been a generational curse or got onto you in some other way? I will cover these topics today and share a deliverance prayer. Links may both be found on the resources page under the prayers section.
Brethren, also if you are Blessed by this episode or any others and feel led, please consider supporting this ministry if you can.

Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Wake Up Call (Last Call For Backsliders & The Lost)
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
In the last hour (and what is quickly becoming minutes to midnight) the church (which is becoming/has become the world) is appearing more and more to be very much lost in sin and what appears to be very confused. How has this happened and what is the Lord allowing us to see by all the events we see developing around us? How obvious does it have to be and where is the overall care and discernment at right now? What is being revealed? What comes and how much time is there? What choices are we presented with? Who will we serve? What is the cult of the Evangelical Trump Christian nationalist movement about? What could really be hiding under the façade and why is it so dangerous to place faith in such a movement? Why is it so dangerous to exalt a political leader on the same level as Jesus as if there were no consequence for this when the Bible consistently warns us against idolatry? The answer may be shocking to some if you haven't been paying attention and it is shocking how many are not paying attention when you place it all on the table given what is going on. I hope to shine light on these topics in this latest episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast and issue one last warning and wake up call to the lost and backslidden because it's going to get very real, very soon. As it stands, after this blog and episode, I have no plans to continue talking about this topic. I have talked about it extensively here and more has come to light since I put the podcast out (see blog). It is downright exhausting which shows me the amount of evil behind it and the myriad of ways curve balls will be thrown and regardless, it still doesn't change the bottom line as to where things are at in the biblical timeline. To ignore it is at your own spiritual peril and is akin to the slanted roadway dream I have shared where I saw people smiling with glee while speeding toward an unfinished overpass.
A separate blog has been written in addition to tie into this episode as well as links and verses posted here:
Brethren, if you are blessed by this message or any others and feel led to do so, please consider offering a gift of support here.

Thursday May 09, 2024
Set Apart: Search Not For a Crutch & Not For An Excuse
Thursday May 09, 2024
Thursday May 09, 2024
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about why God sets us alone or apart from others, what He is trying to do and how it is in our best interest to be pulling nearer to the Lord than ever before if we haven’t already been doing so. It would also seem that the sin of adultery is on the loose lately as many are trying to make excuses for it. I will be talking about the dangers of adultery how it can come about especially before or after a divorce or breakup and how it can separate us from the Lord and how we should be seeking the Lord first before just doing whatever we want as many appear to be encouraged to do by the wrong sources. I will also be explaining how we should not be idolizing spouses, friends, prophets, watchmen or the teachers but rather how we are responsible for building up our own relationship with the Lord and the reason why this should already be priority given the times we live.

Monday Mar 25, 2024
False Prophets, The Eclipse, & The Real Deal
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be talking about the upcoming eclipse, what God is trying to show His people and the unbelieving alike. America is approaching a Nineveh moment; Will she repent? Moreso, will God’s people repent? I will also be talking about false prophets and what many of them are trying to say in this late hour and the ways many are being led into confusion and deception in this late hour. I will be talking about what the Lord says about false prophets and discussing how to identify them and the divining spirit and the danger of having itching ears, as well as the consequences to the false prophets/teachers and the danger in falling for these deceptions.

Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Which Way? Surrendering To God or Holding On To The World?
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
On this unplanned episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be revisiting a Word I received nearly three years ago titled ‘An Unconventional Refining.’ As we head into 2024, many are focused on many distractions whether attention is on the elections or what ‘we’ want to do. But are we stopping to consider what the Lord is showing us with recent revelations and situations we may be in right now? Are we putting first the Lord and what He wants us to do or are we still very much infatuated with the false promise of normalcy returning and making grand plans in our own strength and placing hope in idols and misplaced priorities? Why is what we see being allowed to happen and what is the Lord trying to do through these trials facing America and many other nations? Are we surrendering to God or holding on to the world and all it offers? This podcast really isn’t a teaching but more a reality check as to where things are at in the times we live.

Thursday Jan 11, 2024
2024: A Year of Shaking: Don’t Grow Weary
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Thursday Jan 11, 2024
Over the holidays, a few listeners reached out to me to express how tired they were and how they felt close to being on the verge of giving up. Some have fallen into sin as they grew weary. A recent poll I recently saw online showed that for 60-70% of folks, 2023 was not a very kind year to them. If 2023 was a year of attacks, tests, trials and training, what will 2024 hold? What was the purpose of what many of us went through last year? On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about not only growing weary in seasons of attacks and trials and the temptation to sin when the answers seem to be few and far between, but also what else may be happening. During these seasons, what is God trying to show us or what may be the reason for these? What should we do? How does Satan try to tempt us when we’re worn down? How should we fight these temptations? What are the consequences to our relationship with the Lord if we harden our hearts and how does it harm our faith if we fall back into continuous sin in these wilderness seasons? What past examples can we look to? What are the reasons for these seasons? What is the right way to respond? What happens when we take our focus off the Lord? Lastly, what is the answer to dealing with self-condemnation attacks? How can we use these to, rather than falling into a pattern of condemning ourselves use the past to glorify the Lord and share our testimony of Jesus? This podcast will cover all these points. It is my hope that this episode is a Blessing to you and that it may shine some revelation on these as we venture into 2024 and whatever we may encounter as we move forward in a year of shaking. https://www.innocenceredeemed.blog/2024/01/11/new-podcast-do-not-grow-weary-in-waiting/

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
The Confession of & Repentance of Sins
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
On this follow up episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the importance of confessing our sins and why we repent when we know we have sinned and the dangers of not doing so. I will be sharing a dream I had about open windows and talking about these open doorways to sin and certain ways satan and his demons can try to come in if we’re not aware of the traps set for us and how easy it is to be deceived and allow them making it much more difficult to repent. I will also be talking about the proper way we should be walking in the Christian faith. Why is sin so destructive spiritually once we are saved? What does it mean to be grafted out of the vine if we do not continue to abide in our Lord Jesus? What are the consequences of continuing in these sins as well as unrepentance? Lastly, I will be discussing denial as believers where there is a belief that once we are saved but think we are not responsible to do anything else to maintain our walk. What are the dangers of not remaining in the Lord’s grace? In this scripture packed episode, I will be covering all these points and more.

Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Multiple Sins & Testing
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the subtle sins that sneak up on us at times without our realization and how God can at times allow certain situations so as to test what we’re going to do or test our resolve. The reason He does this is to show us all where we need improvement by bringing these sins to light. I will be talking about the sin and laying out what is being shown to us and what we should do or how to better avoid slipping up but also bringing attention to the fact that is all part of the refining to prepare us and make us better stewards of the Christian faith. It is my hope that this episode is a Blessing to you and that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving (for those who celebrate)!
I have linked to the other podcasts I mentioned in the intro on the blog entry for this episode which you may find here: