
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
The Last Ambush (w/ Special Guest Manyrounds)
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be having back on my good friend and Brother in Christ, Manyrounds, to go over recent developments in the middle east and where it's all going. It is important to recognize that God has and is using nations to judge nations and vice versa because He is calling for repentance. This has happened before and this fact should not be dismissed as gruesome as some of the footage is coming out of the region. A nation will be torn down in judgment and then rebuilt when it accepts and cries out to Jesus. However, in this, a trap (a snare) has been set also for America and the timeline of events has begun. Are you ready for the last ambush? This episode is a review of a few things previously discussed but also an appeal to prepare spiritually for what comes and what to watch out for.
All links and pertinent verses may be found on the Innocence Redeemed blog here:
Cover photo for this episode courtesy of 'Tama66' via Pixabay.

Monday Oct 02, 2023
Divination & Idolatry Warning
Monday Oct 02, 2023
Monday Oct 02, 2023
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the grave sin and deception of the spirit of divination and how it relates to being a spirit of witchcraft and deception and how it has taken a large toll on the Body of Christ in this late hour. I will be talking about the confusion it causes and the dangers it presents. I will be sharing what God says about it and His judgment in practicing it in addition to being a willing participant in it. I will also be comparing how we should pray the Word and how many are confused by and unaware of the power of using the Word as their sword due to confusion, divination, unbelief or simply not being shown how and that this is one of the church's weaknesses and encourage you as to why you should be a believer in using the Word for your needs especially going into the future. I will then be tying the sin of divination to idolatry and presenting God’s case for being caught in either -which are very closely associated more than one may initially believe. In the second half of the podcast, I will be having on as a guest, Mel Rojas. Mel will be talking about apathy vs. love, stirring of strife, unforgiveness, the monitoring spirit as well as the spirit of Jezebel and presenting a Word the Lord gave her concerning New York to repent from the sin of apathy among others. This is an information packed episode and both Mel and I hope this message resonates with those who are intended to hear it.

Friday Sep 08, 2023
Gird Up Your Loins Pt. 2 (w/ Special Guest Manyrounds)
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be inviting back my good friend and Brother in Christ, Manyrounds, for part two of the series 'Gird Up Your Loins.' The war drums in both the spiritual and physical are sounding as is the evidence that the dogs of war have been released against God's people and the unsaved alike. What is the living God trying to show us and what is His warning to an unrepentant nation as well as others whom continue to walk according to their own council? What does He want us to be doing in this merciful and precious time He is giving to us? In this episode of Gird Up Your Loins, Manyrounds and I will be covering a refresher on the Chuck Youngbrandt prophecy as well as getting into these very points with recent developments. It is our prayer that you take this content seriously.
This second episode concludes this series. Additionally, this podcast will count as two episodes due to the time it took to put together and the length of this episode as well as the last one (almost four hours of content total). This gives the listener time to reflect on what has been shared in this series in addition to allowing me more time to work on other content. Thank you for listening and your understanding. May God Bless you all!
Verses & Links:

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Gird Up Your Loins Pt. 1 (w/ Special Guest Manyrounds)
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be inviting back to the program my long time friend and Brother in Christ, Manyrounds for an updated discussion on recent events taking place and where we are in the timeline of events & judgments. This is part one of a two part series titled, 'Gird Up Your Loins' because that is essentially what we all need to be doing going forward. As this is a two part series, this will be the podcast for week 9/1/2023 to 9/8/2023. Part two will follow shortly.
Links & verses as they pertain are available at:

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Are You Being Called or Not?
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast, I will be talking about many being called but are not seeing it when it's right in front of them or are missing the cues. What are the signs the Lord may be calling you to serve Him and use you for His Kingdom purposes? How does He make it known to us? How does He lead us? Is He showing you through something you may already be doing? How does the Lord want to you to take the steps in faith to begin? How do you know you have an anointing and what do the patterns look like? Are you willing to count the costs and give up worldly wants or are you only wanting to serve the Lord based on conditions? Are you playing avoidance? What does it mean to truly count the costs and deny yourself? Are you willing to step into your calling and take the walk on the water with Jesus or are you only ‘talking the walk?’ What are the consequences for not doing so, especially in what soon comes? These are important things to consider for those who know they have been called.

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Excessive Worry or Excessive Trust?
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Many of you have been in a long season of waiting. Nobody likes being in limbo and patience training are often some of the most difficult in the refining. While we are waiting, are we embracing what the Lord may be trying to show us or are we growing impatient and running back into the world for comforts that are going to help us in our journey later on? Are we prolonging t6-he waiting? What are the consequences or dangers of going ahead of the Lord and what are a few reasons He may be having you wait? What does He want you to be doing while you wait? In this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be covering a few examples in what the Lord could be showing you while you wait. God has a plan and there is a Blessing in the waiting. Can you wait on Him? Can you trust Him? Can you be patient while the Lord builds your faith where it is lacking for the time ahead? I hope to shine light on this in this episode and that you will learn how to gain trust in what the Lord is doing and not worry excessively. It is my hope this episode is a Blessing to you.

Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Don’t Give Up
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
Sunday Aug 06, 2023
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the stretching of our faith right now and how it relates to what comes in the near future. These are the battles we face, the stretching of our faith, the building of our endurance and patience even when we are waiting a long time or so tired of life’s daily struggles that we are being tempted by Satan to sin or give up. This podcast is just an encouragement not to give up but also to be cautious in believing lies of inaction and the calling to get and remain prepared.

Thursday Jul 27, 2023
The Enemy Is Sending Many Many Attacks...
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Thursday Jul 27, 2023
Some of you have reached out to me and have said you are coming under heavy attacks. I know I have and so have others I communicate with on a regular basis. Though I have not recorded a new episode on this due to other projects in the works right now, I did take the opportunity to go through the archives on the blog and podcasts and put them all in one post as I thought this may be a Blessing to many.

Monday Jul 24, 2023
What Is A Wilderness & Why Now?
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be talking about the wilderness and the reasons many believers end up in one or at some point will if they have not yet. I will be talking about sin that will get you into the wilderness as well as that it can be potentially related to a calling the Lord has placed on your life and finding your true identity in Him especially if you continue to reject what He is trying to show you. Not everything is always as we think and our faith is not always as strong as we think it is. These are just a few of many things we are shown. Many prophetic events are also unfolding; Are you ready to endure? A wilderness is designed to build faith where it lacks and get you on the straight and narrow path. I pray this episode is a Blessing to you all.

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Stubborn, Stiff-Necked & Reprobate
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Do you come to listen to ministry teachings but continue to play in the world thinking that somehow God approves of your sin? Do you have a habit of listening to what you ought to do and knowing what is the right path but continue to wander down the broad path to hell? Many are deceived by their hearts and think they are doing well but not really serving the Lord with their whole hearts. Many masquerade as Christians but indulge in sin frequently thinking that ignorance is an excuse when they have been presented with the basics but still refuse to follow them. Are you in danger of being given over to your sin because you love it more than Jesus and carry a spirit of pride thinking you are walking closer with Him than you really are? Do you continue to chase after what your flesh wants or what God wants? Are you ready to suffer the consequences in the coming judgments? Are you ready to give an account for what you do or don't do? Are you ready to give an account for your excuses? Are you ready to be shown your sins? Do you understand what it means to touch no unclean thing? Do you understand what a contrite spirit even is? Do you understand humility? Do you think the Lord doesn't see a haughty, selfish and spiteful heart? Do you support the ministries that tell you the truth or do you go ministry and prayer shopping to those that tell you what you want to hear to request prayers so you can continue doing what your flesh wants? Are you aware that what is comfortable isn't always in your best interest or do you continue to dismiss what God is trying to show you? On this episode of the Innocence Redeemed podcast I will be presenting the reality to those who think they are walking upright but are really walking in disobedience because I have been seeing quite a bit of hypocrisy lately. This warning is simple; The bride shall be pruned and her garments cleansed because she continues to walk in her stubborn and stiff-necked ways and none of that is Christ-like at all.